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Ancient Egyptian Dream Interpretation - Dog Bite - Bad Dreams


Updated: Apr 24, 2022

Understanding our dreams is like peering through at what is just below the surface of one's own consciousness. Those hidden meanings, symbols and metaphors are keys to understanding why we make the decisions we do. They shape our perception of the world and how we see ourselves in it. I believe the Ancient Egyptians knew this because there were many dream manuals for interpretation and many copies made of dream manuals. Many dreams have been recorded and dream interpretation was open to everyone in all levels of society, not just the wealthy.

Understanding dreams was part of medical treatment and mental wellness. The Ramesside Dream Book, P. Chester Beatty, is just one of several dream manuals used by Ancient Egyptian priesthood. Please forgive the use of male pronouns. I kept to the original transliteration as much as possible.

If a man sees himself in a dream being bitten by a dog

BAD it means he will be touched by magic.

Being touched by magic and in this dream context, feeling cursed was a very big preoccupation for the Ancient Egyptian person. Some of us even today, have had bad things happen that make us ask "what did I do to deserve this?" Today we call it Karma. People talk about the Golden Rule. We look for causes of misfortune outside ourselves before looking inwards. It is a preoccupation for us in modern times also. Have you ever had a dream that left you feeling leery of something bad about to happen?

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1 Comment

Cerewin Rose
Cerewin Rose
Feb 18, 2022

interesting concept of connecting magic and karma - had never made that connection before

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